While there are a lot of names in the ring, the two top contenders in this District race are clear.


✅ Marjan Philhour

WHY:  Marjan has made public safety the top priority of her campaign and with the number of small businesses being ransacked nightly in D1, her support of SFPD and law enforcement is much needed and highly appreciated. As a small business owner herself, she knows what it takes to run a business and is dedicated to kickstarting the economic recovery of her district.  Her dedication to D1 residents for years and her common sense approach to pressing issues like public safety make her our only choice for D1.


Connie Chan

WHY: This incumbent has a track record of ineffectiveness and unresponsiveness to the residents in her district.  She opposed the Board of Education recall and the Chesa Boudin recall.  Her anti-public safety stance includes defunding and dismantling the SFPD, as well as voting for the premature re-appointment of an anti-law enforcement Police Commissioner.  Her lack of leadership on slow streets left some Richmond neighborhoods angry and divided which is the very opposite of what a Supervisor is elected to do.  As if all that was not enough for us to leave her off our ballot, her opposition to Outside Lands and overall outdoor FUN sealed the deal.


Matt Susk and Moe Jamil are great candidates and we applaud them both for their common sense approaches and genuine care for their communities. We endorse ranking them #1 and #2. Leave the others off.

✅ Matt Susk #1

WHY: Matt brings a fresh perspective to the D3 race. Matt is a third generation San Franciscan who grew up in the heart of the city.  He spent a decade in the private sector where he advised government pension plans, founded a laundry business and helped thousands of renters become homeowners at the real estate startup Divvy.  His platform includes safe streets, thriving businesses and government accountability as top priorities.  Sounds good to us. 

✅ Moe Jamil #2

WHY:  Moe is no newcomer to the political scene. With over two decades of experience as a teacher, attorney and community advocate he has a deep understanding of how and what makes the city work.  His work at the CIty Attorney’s Office benefited everyday San Franciscans as he worked tirelessly to protect our tax dollars, advocate for our best interest and remind City Hall of the rules of the game.  Moe opposes upzoning, random new taxation policies and believes SFMTA has gone too far.  He puts forth reasonable and measured solutions to some of the city’s most vexing problems. 


Danny Sauter

WHY: This candidate is a progressive wolf dressed in moderate sheep clothing. There is nothing moderate or common sense about his policies. He supports a vacancy tax on privately owned property and believes in “de-militarizing” the police.  He is anti-car and pro-congestion pricing for downtown. There is little evidence this candidate will bring any middle-of-the-road energy or ideas to this role.

Sharon Lai 

WHY:  Sharon is a progressive candidate endorsed by a cast of characters that are not known for their moderate common sense approaches: Aaron Peskin, Phil Ting, and Connie Chan.  She is also part of the anti-car movement which is having real world negative impacts all over the city.  Frankly, even if our ideas about how to solve the city’s problems were aligned with this candidate, the fact that she moved into the district less than a year ago for the purpose of running for Supervisor should raise red flags for district voters.  Like every district, D3 deserves someone who cares about their district, not someone who uses it as a stepping stone for their own political agenda.


Autumn and Scotty are great candidates and we applaud them both for their common sense approaches and genuine care for their communities. We endorse ranking them #1 and #2 on your ballot.

✅ Autumn Looijen #1

WHY: Autumn is the type of smart problem solver we need more of in CIty Hall.  She identifies problems in her community and takes active steps to fix them. She was an integral driving force behind the Board of Education (BOE) recall and founded SF Guardians to continue building on that progress.  Public school students are better off today because of her involvement. She is also pro-public safety and lent a hand to the Chesa Boudin recall. She is practical, intelligent and committed to serving the residents of D5. Her successful campaign to stop the harmful policies of the previous BOE, signals that she has what it takes to get things done.  She has our vote!

✅ Scotty Jacobs #2

WHY: This 4th generation San Franciscan believes that rational San Franciscans need a voice in CIty Hall and we agree! His top three priorities are housing, homeless/mental health/addiction issues and saving our urban infrastructure. Jacobs policies are designed to fix many of the issues swirling around homeless shelter use and abuse, including conservatorship (when necessary) and sobriety requirements.  He supports our SFPD, public schools and saving MUNI.  With clear, thoughtful, moderate solutions to our city’s big problems, this late to the game addition to the race gets our vote!  


🚦 Bilal Mahmood

WHY: Once again we see a progressive idealist trying to convince voters that he is actually a moderate.  He supported wildly progressive Honey Mahogany over moderate Matt Dorsey in the D6 Supervisors race and supported progressive Barbara Lee for Senate.  He is part of the anti-car movement and gives off the vibe that this D5 Supervisor gig is really just a temporary pitstop in his ambitious personal political agenda.


Dean Preston

WHY: As a proudly proclaimed member of the Democratic Socialists of America, Preston supports squatter’s rights, fare evasion and private home ownership, for himself only, but not for the rest of us. These socialist views have helped devastate San Francisco. He opposed the Chesa Boudin and BOE recalls and advocates for defunding prisons, in addition to being anti-law enforcement and anti public safety.  He is completely out of touch with the voters in his district as well as the voters citywide and his socialist policies have no place in our beloved city.


District 7 has a great problem this election: Two fantastic candidates to challenge the dismal incumbent: Matt Boschetto and Stephen Martin-Pinto.  We believe both would make excellent Supervisors and should be ranked #1 and #2, but Matt’s extensive longstanding ties with the business and school community in D7 has us putting him in the #1 position. But we respect it if you flip the order.  No matter what, put both and leave the others off.

✅ Matthew Boschetto #1

WHY:  Matt is a multi-generational San Franciscan who is raising his 3 children in the city, and brings new and exciting ideas to the political conversation.  He is an accomplished small business owner and understands the economic challenges facing merchants in D7.  He has a common sense approach to housing, transit and public safety; all of which remain his top priorities. His energy, drive and commitment to listening to the residents of D7 make him our top choice.

✅ Stephen Martin-Pinto #2

WHY: Stephen is another energetic and thoughtful candidate on the political scene who we find refreshing.  His no-nonsense approach to top issues such as public safety, transit and housing is a clear break from the status quo.  His time serving as a firefighter has helped him gain valuable insights into many of the issues of City Hall as well as the city itself.  He has demonstrated that he is willing to tackle D7’s most concerning issues. He also gets our vote.


Myrna Melgar

WHY: Supervisor Melgar has been serving as D7 Supervisor since 2021 and she has an abysmal track record to show for it.  She advocated defunding the police, did not support the recalls of Chesa Boudin or the BOE, and has failed to bring leadership to any issue on behalf of D7 residents.  Most recently, she agreed to support a plan to close cars in a section of West Portal despite strong opposition by the majority of her constituents.  She has a clear anti-car agenda and an unfortunate anti-law enforcement agenda. Melgar also seems determined to protect drug dealers who enter into the country illegally, going so far as to lead a protest on the steps of city hall to a proposal by Supervisor Dorsey to address the issue.  Disturbing as all the above should be to a moderate voter, Melgar’s declaration that she supports “disbanding the SFPD and requiring officers to reapply to a newly constructed, less violent police force” don’t align with the pro-public safety values of D7 voters. She won’t be found anywhere on our ballots.


✅ Trevor Chandler

WHY:  We are really jazzed about all the first time candidates running for Supervisor and Trevor is no exception.  He supports a fully staffed SFPD, fixing corruption in City Hall, streamlining permit processing for small businesses and holding the Board of Education accountable to public school parents and students.  Like most of the truly moderate candidates, he is focusing on the issues that are important to his district residents.  We applaud his tenacity and his common sense.  He gets our vote.


Jackie Fielder

WHY: Jackie Fielder has spent more time griping about “right-wing billionaire astroturf groups” in this election than she has on any issues.  We do know she is anti-car, anti-law enforcement and pro union.  She is a socialist in the truest sense of that word.


This D11 race has some great new energy in it and we are here for it! Jose Morales is our number one pick as a moderate and common sense candidate who aligns with our priorities. While Ernest Jones is a more progressive pick, he is a beloved homegrown candidate who cares deeply about D11 and we believe he cares about those constituents.

✅ Jose Morales #1

WHY:  Jose has lived in D11 his entire life except for a brief stint when he left for college. He is a small business owner who loves his community and believes it is being ignored by City Hall.  He is not a political insider and he is looking to buck the status quo. He proposes overhauling SFPD’s hiring process to make it quicker, and is fighting to make sure drug dealers get jail time. He is pro-conservatorship for drug addicts who can no longer make healthy decisions for themselves.  His overall platform of reigning in SFMTA, reducing commissions, fiscal responsibility in city hall and ending corruption track with our moderate sensibilities.  He wants to elevate the residents of D11 and we are here to support him! He gets our vote.

✅ Ernest “E.J.” Jones #2

WHY:  E.J. Jones has lived in D11 his entire life and is authentically enmeshed in the D11 community. He is a candidate who was a legislative aide for Asha Safai.  He espouses many of the same progressive values as his former boss which means it’s unclear whether he will make the bold changes necessary to take our city in a new direction. However, we think that D11 needs representation from someone who deeply understands the needs and challenges of D11 residents. While this candidate espouses policies that would not normally be considered “moderate” and we would not normally align with, we rank him number 2 on our ballots out of respect for his beloved community presence within his district, our member survey results and because we think he is a decent human being who will listen to constituents over ideology.


🚦 Michael Lai

WHY:  Moving into District 11 a mere 2 months before filing to run doesn’t bode well for a candidate looking to show a hearty investment in the residents of that district.  Generally, moving to a district to run for Supervisor is a red flag indicator that the candidate is planning on launching a more ambitious political career or agenda.  We appreciate his commitment to fully staffing SFPD, arresting drug dealers, building workforce housing and subsidized daycare for infants and toddlers but his ties to progressive Rob Bonta and his anti-car position make him seem less moderate and not aligned with the voters of D11.  He did not score well in a survey of D11 voters and is not in our top two picks.