The independent, anti-status-quo, common sense, we-only-want-to fix-San Francisco Voter Guide

Do you believe the status quo is unacceptable, the direction the city is headed is untenable and voting courageously for a fresh start for our city is the only answer?

We are at a pivotal moment in San Francisco’s history.

With an out-of-control budget, unsafe street conditions, unsafe and unreliable transit, open air drug markets, addiction and mental health crises, and hundreds of organizations grifting our tax dollars, our once beautiful, thriving city is barely functioning. 

We are THE non-partisan guide that you are looking for.

Our “northstar” is common sense and good governance – not a political party.  We are the only guide that is doggedly committed to solutions that elevate our City, its residents and its institutions. We do not hesitate to support any candidate willing to put our State, our City and us before party affiliation or personal gain. 

Our endorsements:

Citywide Candidates

Supervisor Candidates

Local Propositions

Key State Endorsements

Who Are We to Tell You How to Vote?

ConnectedSF is an impactful group working to bring common sense solutions to our city’s biggest problems.  We have years of experience helping our 11 District Groups engage in, and with, City Hall, Commissions, and even State legislators.  We listen to our members and respond to the issues they think are important.

We are dedicated to balanced, non-partisan solutions to our city’s and our neighborhood’s most pressing issues.  You already know and trust us from our many mobilizations you have most likely  participated in, from opposing anti-crime legislation, to supporting small businesses, ConnectedSF is your trusted partner in creating a city that recognizes, values and works for us all. 

Ad paid for by ConnectedSF. Not authorized by any candidate or committee controlled by a candidate. Financial disclosures are available at