We deeply appreciate your interest in investing in ConnectedSF and San Francisco.
1) Check:
Payable to: ConnectedSF
Mail to: 393 7th Avenue, Suite 301, San Francisco, CA 94118
2) Wire/Direct Deposit:
Account Name: ConnectedSF Address: 393 7th Avenue, Suite 301, San Francisco, CA 94118
Account #: 6894947719 Routing # (wire transfers): 121000248 Routing # (direct deposits): 121042882
Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank
Bank Address: 420 Montgomery Street, 9th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104
3) Cryptocurrency:
We are able to accept donations of crypto - please call (628) 333-9198 to arrange.
4) Donate Stock:
Please call (628) 333-9198 to arrange.
5) Online:
ConnectedSF is a 501(c)(4).
Have more questions about what we do? Contact us to learn more about how your donations are used.
For payment-specific questions, please call (628) 333-9198 or email: connectedsf@viewavegrp.com.